Как перевести плагин SkinsRestorer 13.7.9?


Я скачал плагин SkinsRestorer
Версия - 13.7.9, но я не знаю как его перевести.
Я писал в конфиге - Locale: russian
Но ничего не работало. Плагин просто не работал. Я писал - /skin , и мне ничего не писало.
Потом я написал так - Locale: ru
И все равно всё так же.
Как его перевести?
Вот конфиг -

#  SkinsRestorer Config.yml  #
#  Generated on 13.7.9       #
# We from SRTeam thank you for using our plugin!
# For more information        -> https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/wiki/
# For Configuration Help      -> https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/wiki/Configuration
# Commands & Permissions      -> https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/wiki/cmds-&-perms
# For locale & messages       -> https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/wiki/Locale-and-Translations
# Not working or get error??  -> https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/wiki/Troubleshoot
# For Advanced help or other go to our Discord: https://discord.me/SkinsRestorer/

# (!) IF YOU USE BUNGEE, Check & set on every Spigot server spigot.yml -> bungeecord: true
# (!) & Install Skinsrestorer.jar on ALL SERVERS!!! (BOTH Spigot & Bungeecord)

# If true, players can change skins without permission.
SkinWithoutPerm: true

# Time skins are stored in database before we request again (in minutes)
SkinExpiresAfter: 20

# Players cooldown when changing skins (set to 0 to disable)
# Can be bypassed with 'skinsrestorer.bypasscooldown'
SkinChangeCooldown: 30

# Set the language you will use - Files are located in /SkinsRestorer/languages directory
# You can add custom locale file by copying the english.yml, renaming the new file into your language and editing it
# Default: english - english.yml
Locale: ru

# The new Permissions System information can be foud on our wiki here:
# https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/wiki/cmds-&-perms
  NewPermissions: true
# Allows the usage of per skin perm.
# Example: skinsrestorer.skin.notch OR skinsrestorer.skin.xknat
# !~ requires  'NewPermissions: true'
PerSkinPermissions: false

# Enable or disable default skins
# If there is more than one, the plugin will choose a random one.
  Enabled: false
  ApplyForPremium: false
    - xknat
    - McLive

# Skins in this list will be disabled, so users can't set it.
# Can by bypassed with 'skinsrestorer.bypassdisabled'
  Enabled: false
    - Steve
    - Owner

# Multi-Bungee support
# Enable this if you have issues with skins in multi-proxy environments
# If your using bungee and you have the plugin in all spigot servers and it still does not work, turn this on.
# (This is automatically enabled if you have RedisBungee)
  Enabled: false

# Settings for MySQL skin storage (recommended for big BungeeCord networks)
# !~ IF YOU USE BUNGEE, DO NOT ENABLE MYSQL in Spigot Config.yml ~!
  Enabled: false
  Host: localhost
  Port: 3306
  Database: db
  Username: root
  Password: pass
  SkinTable: 'Skins'
  PlayerTable: 'Players'

# <!! Warning !!>
# Enabling this will stop SkinsRestorer to change skins on join.
DisableOnJoinSkins: false

# Enable or disable the updater.
  Enabled: true
  PeriodicChecks: true

# Stop the process of setting a skin if the LoginEvent was canceled by an AntiBot plugin
NoSkinIfLoginCanceled: true

# True will again make use of the 'HELP_PLAYER' & `SR_LINE` in messages.yml
UseOldSkinHelp: false

#Ignore messages.yml PREFIX =
DisablePrefix: false

# Enable to start receiving debug messages about api request & more.
Debug: false

# End #

# Useful tools:
# Vectier Thailand has made some super cool "Custom Skin" tools that you can use!
# SkinFile Generator:
# With SkinFile Generator you can upload your own custom skin to get a unique .skin file that you can put in your skins folder to use with SkinsRestorer.
# Check it out here: https://riflowth.github.io/SkinFile-Generator/
# SkinSystem :
# With SkinSystem you as a server owner can connect AuthMe (and forum) with the SkinSystem website that you can host to give your players the ability to upload custom skins.
# Check it out here: https://github.com/riflowth/SkinSystem
# Useful Links #
# Website: https://skinsrestorer.net/
# Wiki https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/wiki/
# spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skinsrestorer.2124/
# github: https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorerX/
# discord: https://discord.me/SkinsRestorer/
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Авто объединение сообщений:

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  • command-messages.zip
    1.7 KB · Просмотры: 33
Последнее редактирование:
Будут одни каракули.
Согласен. Т.к. это не .yml и не .json, оно не поддерживает русские символы.
Вариант: Перевести фразы в java, и перезапустить сервер.
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